March 04, 2022 BY Carley Alspaw in News
Tegan brings home ADDY award
We are pleased to announce that our work with The Birthday Party Project was awarded an ADDY at AAF’s annual ADDY awards this year. There was no ADDY for the best looking team, but we’re pretty sure we won that one, too.
In case this post feels familiar, that’s because it is:) Our work with The Birthday Party Project has received numerous awards over the last year, making it one of our most decorated projects to date. When we kicked off our partnership with TBPP two years ago, we knew we were headed somewhere special. And no, it wasn’t just the party hats and bounce houses that had us convinced. We worked hard to develop a site worthy of The Birthday Party Project’s mission, hopeful to accurately illustrate the magic they bring to kids all over the country. A bold color palette, fresh photography and a healthy dose of confetti did just the trick.
Since its launch in the spring of 2021, The Birthday Party Project’s site has been recognized by major award shows like the Daveys, the DotComm Awards, the DSVC Dallas Show and the CSS Design Awards (just to name a few). Last summer, promotional items featuring our designs were featured in over 1,900 Target stores. If you saw us lingering in the Target aisles, now you know why.
Paige and her team have dedicated their lives to celebrating kids who might not be celebrated otherwise. They work day in and day out with one purpose: to bring joy to a birthday boy or girl in need. We love kids, and we really love birthday parties, so it was an incredible honor to join their mission.
Check out more about our work with The Birthday Party Project here, and see the award-winning site for yourself here.