June 11, 2020 BY Carley Alspaw in Articles
An Ode to Vacation Aaron
Tegan’s head honcho, Aaron, is taking some well deserved time away at the end of June. And since 2020 has been, well… 2020, the team started daydreaming about their next vacation. But since no one else is actually traveling anytime soon, we all started dreaming about Aaron’s trip instead. What? Don’t make it weird.
Our latest work features each team member’s interpretation of the boss on PTO. And as it turns out, we are all incredible artists. As it also turns out, we all desperately need a vacation. Sit back and enjoy Tegan’s newest series, ‘An Ode to Vacation Aaron.’
Let’s kick off with Sean’s work. The landscape. The colors. And the killer touch with Aaron’s headshot included? I mean, if this is not ‘living art,’ I don’t know what is.
Definitely hailed as the most realistic piece in the collection, Morgan’s masterpiece features the boss and his kids. If you’ve ever gone skiing with kids, you understand.
The outfit detail here is spot on. John says he was inspired by Harry Dunn’s get-up in Dumb and Dumber. We now know what he was watching during last week’s Zoom meeting.
Yep. Hats off to Laura’s minimalist approach. In honor of said minimalism, we have no further comment on this piece.
Our UX/UI designer, Ryan, obviously came in hot with a detailed, tasteful illustration. Did he miss the mountain top memo? Yes. Will he get demoted for this? Most likely.
My own work earns an honorable mention as the only ‘mixed media’ submission- note the use of crayon AND pen. Serious skill. And another rather realistic depiction of Aaron, with a Monster in hand, Tegan spirit wear* and sharing his feelings on the slope.
*For ALL the DMs we’re about to receive asking for Tegan spirit wear, it’s not a thing. But if it were, would all the influencers want our swag? Not a chance.