June 15, 2021 BY Kelsey Donaldson in Articles
3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Data Safe

The latest FBI win feels like something out of a White Collar episode. Operation Trojan Shield, an undercover mission using an encrypted messaging platform, resulted in more than 800 arrests, the seizure of over 8 tons of cocaine, and over $48 million recovered in various currencies. How they made the big bust is what’s most impressive.
Since late 2018, criminals have been using Anon devices, a platform touted as able to send secure, encrypted messages in a closed digital environment. But the mastermind behind the crook’s favorite device? The FBI. With a BCC on every message sent, the feds intercepted millions of conversations concerning drug deals and money laundering. TBH, would love to see what kind of emojis criminal masterminds prefer.
It’s nice to hear about the good guys coming out ahead for once. Lately, criminals seem to be dominating the digital battlefield. Early May’s cyberattack forced Colonial Pipeline to shut down, cutting off supplies for the largest conduit for gasoline in the country. Certainly not a laughing matter-except for when people were filling trash bags with gasoline. Now that was funny. And just a few weeks later, JBS, the world’s largest meat processing company, was hit by the dark web. The hack forced the shut down of all US JBS beef plants, probing fears of oncoming meat shortages. Maybe play it safe and plan on veggie burgers for the next BBQ.
The latest in cyber victories and losses pose some interesting thoughts. While we should continue to celebrate and champion the continued innovation of digital transformation, we must take note of possible consequences. Our online presence leaves us more vulnerable than ever before. Sure, you might not be in charge of the nation’s gasoline or cheeseburger supply, but your business? Your home and your family? Without careful intention and proper planning, your online presence is not only your greatest asset, but your greatest risk.
We’ve got three solid starting points to better ensuring your online data is secure. Spoiler alert: we do not advise setting your password as your birthday. Please. Just don’t.
1. Get a password manager.
A password manager is essential. With a platform to store all of your passwords, you can ensure your data is available to you at all times- without having to jump through the hoops of a password reset every other week. We’re partial to LastPass.
2. Use 2-step authentication when possible.
Even after a secure password, take the option to receive an email or a text for the login code. Yes, it’s guaranteed to make your eyes roll every single time. But also yes, it’s guaranteed to make your content less accessible to others.
3. Backup your data. Then, back it up again.
Scheduling regular backups to an external hard drive or in the cloud is a painless way to ensure all of your data is stored and secure. Our team is a huge fan of Dropbox. Meeting notes, proposal templates, design decks, our Bachelorette brackets- all safely tucked away in Dropbox. And no, Reality Steve does not have access. He wishes.
If you’re looking for even more tips on how to be digitally savvy, give us a shout! We’re a digital marketing agency, so…. it’s sort of our thing.