May 11, 2021 BY Jacey Thomas in Articles
Ten Years: Ten Podcasts We Love

ICYMI, we turned ten this year. It’s a huge deal. But believe it or not, when we’re not celebrating ten years as an award-winning digital agency, or saving the world one well-designed website at a time, we’re just regular people, walking our dogs and listening to podcasts. No, we’re not cat people. Please don’t ask.
Our podcast roundup includes our favorite programs ranging from digital marketing insights, to stellar road trip playlists, to small business strategies, to those random nuggets of info you only need for trivia night. Is your favorite show missing from the list? Let us know. We’re always looking for another listen. Unless it’s a lame one- then keep it to yourself.
*Our nationally accredited top ten podcast list is listed in no particular order.
☕ Business Casual
Remember, this list is no particular order. But if it was, we’d rank this one at the top. The Morning Brew’s podcast features business leaders from virtually every industry and asks them the questions we wish we could. An easy, informative listen, every single time. We recommend starting with the Domm Holland episode.
👕 Outside In With Charles Trevail
Really not a bad episode in this one. Host Charles Trevail interviews everyone from corporate big wigs to over-eager journalists to discuss “how the world is changing and how business is changing with it.” Last May’s interview with Matthew Sweezey is gold. He unpacks contextual marketing in an infinite media world and yes, you will need to take notes.
🌴 Desert Island Discs
Say you’re stranded on a desert island and you can only take eight tracks- what’s on the playlist? An entire podcast dedicated to this favorite hypothetical. Seriously. Just take a few minutes to cruise through the catalogue of episodes- they date back to 1942. Seriously (again). Scroll back to Gregory Peck’s, and work your way up from there. Simply delightful.
🍏 Freakonomics
No surprise here, but Stephen J. Dubner’s podcast version of his beloved book is even more fantastic. Each week, Dubner takes on a new truth we thought we knew, turns it upside down, and makes us all face palm our foreheads in disbelief. Episode 389 hashes out How to Make Meetings Less Terrible.Consider that one your summer reading.
📞 Replyall
Put this on the Saturday AM list. Each week features a story unlike the last, with fascinating plot twists and unforgettable characters. Our whole team gave Episode #102 and #103 a listen last year (they go together), and we’re still talking about them. The wild tale of a guy who went after the hacker that called him, and ended up staying at his house… in India. Unreal.
✌️ The Ezra Klein Show
Twice a week, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation that matters. And a huge bonus in the podcast world, his voice is an easy listen. Not sure why, but we really love it. The episode with Cal Newport feels painfully relevant on month fourteen of WFH life. An hour worth your time.
🎈 Business Made Simple
If you’ve been around Tegan for any amount of time, then you know we’re huge Donald Miller fans. His podcast offers interviews, insights and real case studies aimed at helping you grow your business. Practical, tangible advice. We would recommend this twice, but our theme is ten- go with it.
🤡 Smartless
A podcast hosted by Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett. What’s not to love? The gist: each week, one of the guys brings on a celebrity guest to surprise the other two, and an impromptu interview/discussion/dream hangout takes place for the next hour. A really fun listen. The episode with Ron Howard is a personal favorite. I dare you to listen to his Andy Griffith story and not tear up. God bless Mayberry.
🛠️ How I Built This
SoulCycle, Clubhouse, Food52, Hinge, Robinhood- ring any bells? NPR’s Guy Raz shares the stories behind some of the world’s best known companies. Always intriguing. As a loyal burrito eater, I’d feel wrong if I didn’t point you in the direction of the episode on Steve Ells from Chipotle.
👻 99% Invisible
This one feels like a zoomed in version of Freakonomics, and we love it. Roman Mars discusses the power behind hidden and not so hidden design and architecture. Fair warning- you could spend the next couple of hours browsing through the episode titles. Episode 181- Milk Carton Kids is a wild listen.