August 26, 2024 BY Anna Parker in News
Tegan Unveils Partnership with Dallas Jewish Historical Society

Extra emojis, jazz hands, John doing the Macarena? It can only mean one thing.
We’ve got good news to celebrate! The Dallas Jewish Historical Society selected yours truly as their Agency of Record. Twenty bucks says you’re tempted to Macarena now, too.
For over 50 years, the Dallas Jewish Historical Society has worked to preserve and provide education on Dallas Jewish history. The organization’s archive boasts an impressive collection of documents, photographs, and objects from early Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues and families, all vital to the contribution of the city’s Jewish community.
Our team will enhance the DJHS digital platform, improving the online experience for members and visitors. Additionally, our team will elevate DJHS’s message and historical storytelling through improved social media, email marketing, and event support, while also refreshing the brand to enhance its visual identity and maintain the integrity of the group’s origins.
So much of our client roster hails from Dallas’ Jewish community, so teaming up with the DJHS feels like the perfect fit. Have we already made friendship bracelets? It’s possible.
Check out the full press release about our new partnership here.